Nutrition & Mindset Learning

Whether it’s customised guidance on your personal nutrition, a no-nonsense course on macro fundamentals, or a step-by-step self-confidence seminar, you’ll find guidance on navigating midlife fundamentals right here.

(PS: I also offer custom group workshops, seminars & motivational speaking)

Quick Macro Analysis

You send me your goals, meal tracking + lifestyle routine & I’ll send a report on what needs to change to achieve them!

Perfect for someone who has some experience with tracking, but is unsure of what they need to do to make changes, and to reach their desired outcome.

Efficient & straightforward but incredibly effective!

Online Seminars & Courses

Live interactive seminars or self-paced, online content, both in a workshop format for you to follow at your own pace. Covering from topics such as:

Macros 101; Meal Prep; Macros on the Go; Healthy Habits: How To; Midlife Mindset Matters, and more.

Get ready to take control of your health AND your self-confidence.

Custom Group Workshops & Motivational Speaking

I work with you and your team to identify key areas of improvement for your group, set learning goals & outcomes and then deliver a custom workshop aimed at not only boosting your team’s overall health, but its productivity also!

Custom fees - contact me for more information

Available online or in-person*