
made better.

Aging strong + living well

Nutrition & Healthy Habits Coaching for Midlife and beyond.

Frustrating isn’t it?

We all thought we were invincible, maybe even immortal in our 20s & 30s, and now find ourselves over 40, and maybe struggling a bit.

Struggling to move well, to understand how we can maintain a healthy body composition, what we should be eating, how we should be exercising.

The information out there is complex, voluminous, and confusing.

My mission through Strongr Movement is to educate women (and men) in their 40s, 50s & beyond on how they can function better as they age through the fundamentals of:

  • Nutrition (specifically macros)

  • Exercise - strength training, conditioning, mobility & daily movement

  • Healthy Lifestyle Habits - everyday actions that add up to better overall health

And I aim to do it all in a straightforward, science-supported way that also is simple for you to execute.

I want to EMPOWER you to take back control of your nutrition & your body.

Ready to find out more? Explore the options: live seminars, self-paced courses, recipe products & more via the menu above.

Or contact me below for specific questions!